Principal Investigator:Schneider, Christie L Licensed Year(s):
This year, the research purpose is to investigate potential geological localities for work next year, so direct involvement with local communities and guides will be minimal. The researcher intends to identify and talk with people who have outfitting and guide businesses, and those who have knowledge of potential research areas for next summer’s research.
The objectives of the proposed researc...
Principal Investigator:McIntosh, George Licensed Year(s):
This research involves how groups of marine invertebrate fossils, crinoids evolved over a 6 million year interval designated as the Frasnian Stage. The researcher will study the rock exposures along the Mackenzie Highway between Hay River/Enterprise and Fort Simpson. The fossils to be collected rarely exceed 3 cm and collecting will be restricted to weathered surfaces composed of loose material. ...
Principal Investigator:Day, James E. Licensed Year(s):
The Hay River region features a complete well preserved Upper Devonian deposits that accumulated over a span of time when known or suspected major species extinctions, sea level & climate changes have been detected in other sites in North America, Europe & Asia. Goals of the project are to: 1) collect new detailed fossil data to allow for more accurate age estimates of Upper Devonian deposits in ...
Principal Investigator:Turner, Elizabeth C Licensed Year(s):200119991998
19941992199119891988 Summary:
Two people will be transported to the field sites via helicopter from Norman Wells. All ground work is done on foot. Data collection involves photography of rock outcrops, measurement of stratigraphic sections using a tape measure, description of outcrops, and selective sampling of about 100 fist-sized rock samples using a geological hammer....