4 record(s) found in the location "Dehcho Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Tammerlane Baseline Studies
Principal Investigator: Hoos, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: The objective is to obtain sufficient baseline data to develop a lead and zinc mine adjacent to the old Pine Point property. The owl survey to identify species presence and breeding territories in the vicinity of the study area will include an evening broadcast-call program that will commence 0.5 hours after sundown to 0.5 hours before sunrise in April and May. This owl survey will target the Bor...

Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat Use Study and Bear Hazard Assessment of the Rabbitkettle Lake Area of Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Principal Investigator: Ashton, Sandra
Licensed Year(s): 1995 1994
Summary: Data collection for food habits analysis will involve collection and analysis of bear scats and will be supplemented by direct observation of bears in the field. Where feeding or other sign (e.g., mark tree, digging, tracks) site investigations will be carried carried out involving recording inventory, cover value and phenology of all potential bear foods present and taking measurements pertinent...

Licence #2623
Principal Investigator: McLeod, Curtis
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To document fish use of shalllow side-channel areas or river margins and to estimate the effect of water level changes on fish habitat. Detailed physical data collection (water levels, velocity and sediment samples) will be undertaken, data will also be collected of fish and small invertebrate use of habitat....

Licence #2130
Principal Investigator: Stutz, Craig
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To conduct an aerial survey of raptor nesting sites in conjunction with proposed dredging activities on the Mackenzie River....