Principal Investigator:Day, Edith Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be flown from Norman Wells to the base camp at Moose Horn River by helicopter. Moves to fly camps (Stoneknife River and Black Wolf Creek) will also be made by helicopter. The camp will consist of one sleeping tent per team member and one cooking tent. The research team will walk to data collection sites on foot. Data collection will consist of measuring rocks with a rule...
Principal Investigator:McIntosh, George Licensed Year(s):
This research involves how groups of marine invertebrate fossils, crinoids evolved over a 6 million year interval designated as the Frasnian Stage. The researcher will study the rock exposures along the Mackenzie Highway between Hay River/Enterprise and Fort Simpson. The fossils to be collected rarely exceed 3 cm and collecting will be restricted to weathered surfaces composed of loose material. ...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Alan Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to investigate the structure and composition of the earth's crust and upper mantle to depths greater than 60 km in northern British Columbia, NWT and BC. At eight locations along NWT hwy. 7, sensors will be lowered into small (1 m long x 25 cm wide x 25cm deep) holes dug in the ground . These sensors will measure the time variations of the Earth's natural electrical ...
Principal Investigator:Wilson, Mark V.H. Licensed Year(s):2013
19961990 Summary:
The objectives of the research are 1) to collect remains of Silurian and Devonian fishes, and 2) to collect remains of Silurian trilobites. Activities are limited to travel, residence at camp locations and collection of fossils. Helicopters will be used to access camp sites. We plan to land at Avalanche Lake on July 15, spending 6 days collecting fossils at Avalanche Lake, followed by one day of t...
Principal Investigator:Currie, Lisel Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the study is to conduct standard 1:50 000 geological mapping as per mandate of the Geological Survey of Canada. This will be in the central Kotaneelee Range. This will involve daily long distance traverse to describe the rocks across the area. Most parts of the area will be visited only once. The research team will be dropped off and picked up by helicopter. During the day they ...
Principal Investigator:Clowes, Ron M. Licensed Year(s):
This refraction seismic project is part of larger transect which extends from Yellowknife to Stewart on the west coast of BC. Part of the sequence of Earth & Ocean Science studies to provide an in-depth image of the deep structure of the Earth throughout the region and will help to define the sequence of emplacement of various types of rock formations in the region.
Pre-experiment: 1) Flag reco...
Principal Investigator:Eaton, David Licensed Year(s):1999
Since the region of investigation (down to a depth of 50 km or more) is inaccessible, geophysical techniques will be used. One technique will be seismic reflection profiling, a method adapted from the oil industry. Large vehicles are use to generate seismic waves, which travel downwards and reflect off boundaries. These echoes are recorded by surface instruments, and the data are processed to p...
Principal Investigator:Groat, Lee A. Licensed Year(s):
19941993 Summary:
The researchers will continue their study, begun in 1993, on the pegmatites found in the Selwyn Mountains and other western Canadian locations. Pegmatites contain rare elements such as lithium, beryllium, ribidium, niobium, cesium and talalum. This study will result study will result in a summary of information on pegmatites, including detailed information on their classification, origins and...
Principal Investigator:Tarnocai, Charles Licensed Year(s):
Soil (at seven depths) and air temperature data are recorded by data loggers. These loggers are programmed to collect data every 3 hours on the hour. The sites are visited twice a year to reprogram the loggers. In addition, active layer depth and subsidence are also recorded during the fall visit. Researchers will collect this data in order to determine the effect of climate change on the envi...
Principal Investigator:Gulley, Angela L. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The Researcher will continue a project begun in 1991 which included mapping the local geology adjacent to the hotsprings, conducting a geochemical analysis of the springwaters, monitoring the physical properties, calculating natural discharge rates and conducting a pumping test and monitoring of depositional rates of tufa accumulations....