Principal Investigator:Estabrooks, Carole A Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The purpose of the study is to identify and understand existing advice seeking networks among nursing homes in Canada.
The overall objectives of the study are to:
1. identify the structure of existing informal inter-organizational relationships among 958 nursing homes in Atlantic, Western and Northern Canada;
2. identify which nursing homes within the overall network link different groups of ho...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. compare previous research findings to measure changes in awareness and responses to older adult abuse;
2. gauge the impact of measures taken since the completion of 2010 research including the formation of networks, partnerships, training sessions, community events, and information campaigns; and,
3. consider next steps for preventing older adu...
Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
This project seeks to understand the impact of the Elders in Motion (EIM) program, which is a physical activity program developed by the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association (NWTRPA), on past and current participants. It also seeks to understand the challenges that program facilitators and communities have faced in regards to implementing the program and how they have dealt with ...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Bruce Licensed Year(s):
The Mackenzie Project Environment Group has sub-contracted the Katlodeeche First Nation, who will be responsible for collecting and documenting traditional knowledge during the project. The study will involve documenting data related to wildlife, birds, fisheries, vegetation, historical/cultural/spiritual sites, climate, soil conditions, hydrology and hydrogeology, human health, cumulative effects...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
The key objectives of the traditional knowledge study include collecting existing knowledge, gathering new knowledge and producing a report in a manner that will: provide the specific Traditional Knowledge (TK) information needs of the Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP); facilitate participation by communities in the environmental assessment process; and, ensure compliance with all regulatory requirement...
Principal Investigator:Stephen, Bob Licensed Year(s):
This research has two main objectives; 1) to better understand the literacy needs and preferences of NWT seniors; and 2) to make recommendations for more effective literacy supports and services for NWT seniors. This research will provide a snapshot or p...
Principal Investigator:Bedard, Joanne Licensed Year(s):
This work will involve talking to Band leaders, Elders, members of the Dene Cultural Institute and others suggested by DCI staff. Method of data collection will be designed in co-operation with community members, facilitated through DCI. Observation of the annual leadership meeting at Hay River will be included as a snapshot of current Dene socio-political issues. Confidentiality will be maintai...
Principal Investigator:Azzolini, Luciano Licensed Year(s):
This research is designed to obtain ideas, opinions and solutions from residents of Fort Providence on the housing problems that are faced by older people in the community. This project is not intended as a comprehensive evaluation of the Housing Corporation's programs but instead is an examination of what is and isn't working in one community....