Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...
Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...
Principal Investigator:Kuhnlein, Harriet V Licensed Year(s):
In response to an earlier study that was requested by the Dene Nation on contaminants in loche and whitefish, Health and Welfare Canada and other agencies are sponsoring this study to find out what amounts of contaminants people are eating. Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein and assistants will be asking people what foods they eat and how much. Renewable Resource officers will collect samples of wild foods fo...