380 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Bowhead Cultural and Dietary Needs Assessment
Principal Investigator: Freeman, Milton M.R.
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The researchers will attempt to discover the views of people in regard to the hunt. They will attempt to determine why it is significant to the people of Aklavik in particular, and to the Inuvialuit people generally. This information will be elicited through the use of interviews and household surveys as well as through discussion and a questionnaire administered to school students....

Yukon North Slope Cultural Resources Survey
Principal Investigator: Nagy, Murielle
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: In conjunction with the Inuvialuit Social Development Program, the Researchers will gather the oral history concerning the lives of Inuvialuit along the Yukon North Slope. They will document post-contact aboriginal land use as recorded in historic sites, graves, resource extraction areas, caches, look-outs, trails, place names and gathering places in the Yukon North Slope....

Phase II - Hazardous Wastes
Principal Investigator: Heinke, G.W.
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1989
Summary: In co-operation with the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs, the researcher will conduct a random sampling of garbage generated in the selected communities to establish their composition. A questionnaire will be used to gather a hazardous waste inventory. A detailed plan will be for the design and cost estimate of a co-disposal facility will be undertaken....

The Thinking Styles of Northern Nurse Practitioners
Principal Investigator: Graham, Karen
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1990
Summary: Ms. Graham and Ms. Haywood will continue to administer the Inquiry Mode Questionnaire of Harrison and Bramson. The investigation will compare thinking styles of nurses in Outpost Health Centres with urban hospital nurses....

Principal Investigator: Little, Lois M.
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The Researchers will interview students (ages 12 to 18 years) identified by Divisional Boards or local Education Councils/Authorities as at risk of leaving school before completing grade 12 and those students in this age group who have already left school. The study will determine what influences affected their decision to leave school....

Precise Geodetic Levelling
Principal Investigator: Erickson, Dave
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The Researcher and his team will carry out a project to improve water flow studies, channel dredging, mapping and local construction surveys....

Programme of Cooperation Between Canada and the USSR on the Economic and Socio-Cultural Development of the Native Peoples of the North
Principal Investigator: Popkov, Yuri V.
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The research team will study the attitudes towards work and the native peoples of northern Canada. Simultaneously, they will analyze objective conditions and subjective factors. Information will be gathered from official sources, participant observation and interviews in local communities using questionnaires....

Northern River Ice Regimes
Principal Investigator: Sherstone, David A.
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988
Summary: Simple, inexpensive ice thickness gauges are installed on river channel ice. Usually 3-4 gauges per channel. Twenty gauges are installed in the Mackenzie Delta and 12 in Hay River. Every 10 days the gauges are read to obtain the total ice,white ice and snow quantities at each site. From this data the rates of ice growth and decay can be calculated and the approximate date at which the ice will...

Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction of N.W.T. Teachers Associated with Living in Rural N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Krause, Arnold
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: This research will be conducted in the hope of creating some insight into how to improve or maintain levels of job satisfaction....

Site Tenacity of Bowhead Whales and their Vulnerability to Displacement by Disturbance
Principal Investigator: Cosens, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The Researcher and team will apply new tag technology and DNA analysis to a study of site tenacity and industrial disturbance of bowhead whales. They will test the feasibility of using sonic tags to track bowheads underwater and will be testing sampling methods for collecting skin from live whales for DNA analysis....