Principal Investigator:Smith, Jane E Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this research is to strengthen community health and partnerships to address childhood obesity in Inuvialuit and Gwich'in populations through intake of healthy food, exercise, and self-esteem; to establish practice guidelines within the Beaufort Delta Health and Social Services Authority (BDHSSA) on the management and prevention of childhood obesity that focus on communities as well as ...
Principal Investigator:Bennett, Trevor D Licensed Year(s):
The primary objective of this research involves testing a strategy for using Inuvialuit Knowledge to monitor environmental conditions in the Mackenzie Delta Region (MDR) of the Northwest Territories. Methods will include participatory photo mapping, community mapping, and photo elicitation interviews to monitor, record, document and communicate Inuvialuit observations of environmental change in th...
Principal Investigator:Graham, John R. Licensed Year(s):
200820082007 Summary:
This research follows a 2006–2009 Social Science and Humainities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant (SRG) and a 2006-2007 SSHRC Northern Development Grant, in which the researchers piloted a quantitative instrument to measure Subjective Well Being (SWB) of practicing social workers in Alberta, Northwest Territories, and northwestern Ontario. This current research project bu...
Principal Investigator:Rose, Louise Licensed Year(s):
The goal is to survey critical care nurses across Canada to obtain a comprehensive description of nurses’ current knowledge and practice of pain assessment and management in critically ill adults. The researchers hypothesize that considerable variation exists for pain assessment, documentation, and management as well as the education received regarding pain assessment and management priorities for...
Principal Investigator:Egeland, Grace M Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
The Inuit Health Survey was developed to better understand the factors contributing to health and the Inuit spirit of thriving in the face of changes. The medical chart review is part of this objective and participants were asked whether or not they wanted to participate in the Health Survey, and if yes, if they also wanted to be included in a follow-up within a 7 year period and be part of the I...
Principal Investigator:Goodjohn, Mitchell T. Licensed Year(s):2013
The objective of the TK Programme is to collect baseline data to enhance BP's understanding of traditional resources and the marine environment in the Project area; and the use of resources by community members. The information will be used to assess the potential and residual impacts of the Project on traditional resources and their use, as well as the marine environment. The information will b...
Principal Investigator:Kandola, Kami Licensed Year(s):
Primary objective:
To describe the presenting patient characteristics, organ dysfunction, clinical outcomes and resource needs of influenza-H1N1-related critical illness and acute lung injury among children and adults in Canada. Our primary endpoint will be survival and the secondary endpoint will be critical care-free days, both at 90 days after onset of critical illness.
Secondary main object...
Principal Investigator:Bresnahan, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
This study aims to support the work of the Aklavik Health Committee, and to offer tools to help improve health promotion practice in the north. To accomplish this, this study has two research objectives: 1) to list and identify all health promotion programs currently underway in the community of Aklavik, NT; 2) to identify popular perceptions of the meaning of health, the most significant barrie...
Principal Investigator:Dobbins, Maureen Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are: 1) To evaluate a knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) strategy to improve the provision of public health services for breast cancer prevention and early detection and 2) to determine if tailored messages (active knowledge transfer) are more effective than access to a website housing rigorous systematic reviews in breast cancer prevention and early detection (pass...
Principal Investigator:Case, Cheryl A Licensed Year(s):
The questions posed are:
1. Did genotyping identify unknown TB contacts or transmissions among cases studied? Examination of the genotype of each isolate of M. tuberculosis from reported cases in the NWT may identify epidemiological links among the studied cases not previously identified through conventional contact tracing. The study will quantitatively review epidemiological links established ...