chercheur principal: | Wen, Marc (6) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 15349 |
Organisation: | Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | oct. 08, 2013 |
Équipe de projet: | Marc Wen, Nicole Bishop, Michael Henry, Melissa Pink, Adam Chateauvert, Chris Burns, Andrew Robinson, David Luzi, Derek Shaw, Emerson Belland, Michael Soloducha, Greg Sharam, Jem Morrison, Katier Kuker, Julia Shewan, Christine Kent, Andrea Buckman, Wade Brunham, Reed Hentz, Natasha Bush, Tomasz Gradowski, Justine Townsend, Kent Gustavson, Vanessa Neuman, Daniel Walker, Michael Campbell, Daniel McAllister, Sean McKnight, Kirsten Seymour, Tina Liu, Brian Milakovic, Stephen Jollymore, Pieter van Leuzen, Golnar Zandpour, Annette Muttray, Vivian Banci |
Objectif(s): To collect baseline data at Courageous Lake to characterize the environmental (physical and biological), social and economic setting in the proposed project area.
Description du projet: The objective of the proposed studies to be conducted at Courageous Lake is to collect baseline data collection is planned to characterize the environmental (physical and biological) and social and economic setting in the proposed project area. Specifically, data collection is planned to characterize the following environmental components: air quality, noise, hydrology, bathymetry, hydrogeology, aquatic resources, fish and fish habitat, soils, vegetation and wetlands. Social and economic data collection is planned for the following components: socio-economic studies, public engagement, traditional knowledge and traditional use, land use and country foods. Meteorology: An automated (solar powered) meteorology station is planned to operate year round and collect data for wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, total precipitation (rain and snow-water-equivalent), solar radiation and barometric pressure. The instrumentation is attached to an aluminum 10 m high tower. The meteorology station location is near Matthews Creek; which is near the future mineral development zone. The meteorology station is planned to be visited periodically for collection of data, diagnostic testing and maintenance, as required. Aquatics: Lake sites and stream sites will be sampled. Lake physical limnology measurements are planned with a multi-meter which measures dissolved oxygen and temperature. Sediment quality sample collection is also planned. Water quality sample collection is planned up to three times in the open water season. Hydrology: Hydrometric stations establishment is planned around the future mineral development zone. Each station will consist of a pressure transducer paired to an automated data logger. The hydrometric stations will be operated throughout the open-water season. Current meters installations in Courageous Lake are planned to run from the winter through to the fall. Fish and Fish Habitat: Habitat assessments are planned at potential fish compensation sites in the Courageous Lake area. Measured to determine substrate, habitat, cover, and physical characteristics of the areas are planned as one fish communities’ assessments. The fish community stream sampling is planned using backpack electrofishers. At each site, one-pass electrofishing with no blocking nets is planned over a minimum 200 m-long stream section and for a minimum of approximately 1,000 electrofishing seconds. Electrofishing will not be completed where fish are observed to be spawning. Sampling at some large lakes is planned with Resources Information Standards Committee standard sinking gillnets and all lakes are planned to be sampled with electrofishing and baited minnow traps. Gillnets will be set randomly throughout the lake, if small, and at specific sampling sites in large lakes (i.e., Courageous Lake and Matthews Lake) for a period of one hour to minimize fish mortality. Electrofishing will occur along the shoreline of the lake for a minimum of approximately 1,000 electrofishing seconds. Minnow traps will be set in the littoral zone at depths of approximately 2 m for periods of 24 hours duration. Traps will be set along the entire lake shoreline in small lakes and at specific sampling sites in large lakes. Biological information collected on captured fish will include: number, species, length (mm), wet weight (g) and age (as read from scales, pelvic fin rays, otoliths or cleithra). As well, fish will be sampled for metal tissue concentrations from select lakes within the study area and the receiving environment. From these lakes, fish of a specific species (to be determined) will be euthanized and a tissue sample taken for metal analysis. Socio-economic and land use studies: Desk based research is planned and would access previous studies in the public domain, statistics and socio-economic and land use data held by the government(s) in combination with telephone/email interviews, and one-on-one and small group meetings and interviews will be used to gather information. Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Use: A combination of one-on-one and small group meetings and phone interviews if people are not readily available. This will supplement any desk based research that is able to access public domain information. Public meetings for information exchange and project status updates will be held at milestone points of the project. Information will also be provided by Seabridge's company website. Additional communication through letter, email, and phone can be identified government and stakeholder or interested parties. Stakeholder meetings for information exchange and project status updates will be planned for milestone points of the project. Information will also be provided on Seabridge's company website. Additional communication through letter, email and phone can be made to identified government and stakeholder or interested parties. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from October 8, 2013 to December 31, 2013.