Remediation of the Abandoned Panarctic Satellite F-68 Wellsite at Satellite Bay, Prince Patrick Island, Northwest Territories
chercheur principal: Krizan, Julia (14)
Nᵒ de permis: 15308
Organisation: IMG-Golder Corporation
Année(s) de permis: 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2013 2011 2010
Délivré: août 01, 2013
Équipe de projet: Dave Pritchard, Julia Krizan, Suzi Martin, Christopher Cunada

Objectif(s): To remediate the abandoned wellsite by containing and stabilizing contaminated materials in an on-site landfill, and remove debris and solid waste from the site.

Description du projet: Evidence of contaminants was found in soil, groundwater and surface water at the site during investigations in 2008, 2010 and 2011. The objective of the project is to remediate the abandoned wellsite by containing and stabilizing contaminated materials in an on-site landfill, and remove debris and solid waste from the site. Talisman is proposing a two-year approach to complete the Project. Year 1 will take place in 2013. Year 2 will take place in either 2014 or 2015. Year 1 will consist of a three-day site reconnaissance to gather necessary information for Year 2. Year 2 will include two parts: (1) a ten-day spring program to repair and upgrade the existing airstrip in close proximity to the site; and (2) a six-week summer program to construct a landfill for containment and stabilization of contaminated materials and remove and appropriately dispose debris off-Site. This Licence is required for Year 1 research activities, some of which may take place (or have to be repeated) in Year 2. The Year 1 site reconnaissance will be completed by a field crew of 7-8 personnel. Primary objectives for the reconnaissance will include: - Topographical Survey: the objective of the survey will be to assist in the selection of a location for the landfill and allow for the completion of detailed engineering. The survey will also allow for the planning of temporary access roads and temporary watercourse crossings. In addition, the survey will identify any areas where the relief changes by one metre (m) or more, as these areas a known to accumulate snow and my provide suitable maternal denning habitat. - Site Constructability Assessment: the assessment will include a geotechnical survey to identify potential borrow sources. Samples will be taken and material analyzed for its suitability during the landfill construction. - Watercourse Crossing Assessment: the assessment will be completed to determine requirements for establishing temporary crossings. All watercourses will be inspected and examined according to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) requirements. This will include measuring parameters such as bankfull width, water depth, flow rates, substrate and aquatic vegetation, vegetation on banks, and slope of banks. Based on these parameters, suitable crossing locations will be determined, photographed and mapped. For each crossing location, the same parameters will be evaluated 50 m up- and downstream. - Potable Water Source Assessment: potential potable water sources will be investigated to reduce or eliminate the requirement to airlift drums of water to the Site. Water samples will be taken and analyzed in a laboratory to test for routine water quality parameters, total metals and bacteria according to the Health Canada Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines. - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Survey: an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) survey will be completed to acquire high resolution aerial photographs and produce digital imagery. The UAV has a wing span of less than 1 m; it fits in a small suitcase (disassembled) and is battery powered. It is equipped with an on-board camera that takes overlapping images from the air while flying 100 m to 200 m above the ground. The images will be processed to produce high resolution, accurate maps in support of the project. As in previous project-related research at the site, Talisman will submit a follow-up report to the Hunters and Trappers Committees and Community Corporations of Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok, the EISC, and the ARI. This will include a plain language summary of investigation findings. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from August 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013.