Trajectories of Scholastic Achievements: An Oral History Study of Lived Experiences of selected First Peoples Doctoral Scholars on Their Path to Doctoral Education

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: social sciences, education, oral history, personal experience

chercheur principal: Roy Chawdhury, Shabbosachi (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 15220
Organisation: La Sierra University
Année(s) de permis: 2013
Délivré: mars 20, 2013
Équipe de projet: Dr. Sandra Ballie, Dr. Gilbert Valentine, Dr. Cartha Tennielle

Objectif(s): To identify common themes and patterns of First Peoples doctoral scholars' lived experiences on their path to doctoral education

Description du projet: The objective of this research project is to identify common themes and patterns of First Peoples doctoral scholars' lived experiences on their path to doctoral education. The research will be conducted using Oral History Research Methodology, where the research data will be gathered via narrators'/participants' personal oral history. In-depth interview, critical incident reports, and member checks will be employed to gather data from the narrators/participants in a consultative approach. Upon completion of this doctoral research study, the researcher envisions that the findings will be useful for the local community, municipality, territorial governments, provincial, and federal governments along with other First Peoples stakeholders in terms of raising the students' educational achievements. The results for this research project will be available through publication of journal articles, recommendations to the individuals and community leaders and other stakeholders in the NWT. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from March 15, 2013 to December 31, 2013.