Traditional Knowledge Study of Flood and Climatic History in the Slave River Delta, NWT
chercheur principal: Armitage, Derek (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 13620
Organisation: Wilfrid Laurier University
Année(s) de permis: 2005 2004
Délivré: mai 19, 2004
Équipe de projet: Sonia Wesc

Objectif(s): The Slave River Delta is one of a series of important delta ecosystems in the Mackenzie Basin. The adjacent community of Fort Resolution depends on its high biological productivity and diversity for both food and resources. Recent and predicted changes in climate cause variation in the hydrological regime that drives the delta system, thus threatening local livelihoods. The aim of this research is to develop and carry out a traditional knowledge (TK) study of past climatic and hydrological events, the results of which, in conjunction with western science approaches, can be applied in developing a holistic, ecosystem-based management approach in the Slave River Delta area. The specific objectives are; 1) develop a framework of trends and indicators of hydrological and climatic changes as identified though local TK; 2) develop a methodological framework that integrates TK and scientific approaches for environmental change research for application in similar northern contexts; and 3) determine how results from an interdisciplinary analysis of TK and natural science can be applied to regional ecosystem-based policy for enhanced planning, management and assessment. This is the first year of a planned four year study.