Régions: Dehcho Region
étiquettes: physical sciences, water quality, fish habitat, soil, vegetation, wildlife, fisheries assessment, archaeology, environmental impact assessment, mitigation
chercheur principal: | Machtans, Hillary (4) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 13046 |
Organisation: | Golder Associates Ltd. |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | mai 20, 1999 |
Équipe de projet: | Dr. Derek Melton, Daryl Johanssen, Todd Burlingame, Brian Ronaghan, Veronica Chisholm, Dr. Robin Johnstone, Mark Ealey |
Objectif(s): The purpose of this study is to collect information about a variety of ecosystems crossed by or in close proximity to the potential routes for a proposed pipeline. This field program designed to provide site specific information for the development of an environmental report for the construction of a pipeline from the Chevron K29 wellsite in the vicinity of Fort Liard NT. This work will help ensure that sufficient information is available for the development of the appropriate mitigation of potential environmental impacts which would result from the project should it proceed. The field work will be site specific (i.e. along the potential pipeline routes and/or representative habitat types) and will include wildlife, fisheries, vegetation, soils, and archaeology research.
Description du projet: The purpose of this study is to collect information about a variety ecosystems crossed by or in close proximity to the potential routes for a proposed pipeline. Fisheries and water quality studies will involve a survey of fish habitat, and of the water quality of any water bodies allong the proposed routes. Any fish collection will be outlined by Department of Fisheries and Oceans research permits if required. Hydrology studies will include a stream crossing assessment, involving collection of data about bank slopes and stability, substrate depth, and wetted depth. Vegetation and soils will be examined along the potential route to map and verify the vegetation resources, and soil types of the area. Rare plants and rare plant habitat surveys will also be carried out. Wildlife surveys will be carried out on foot and by aircraft. . All wildlife observations (mammals and birds) will be recorded and their GPS location noted i... Plus de résultats