Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project
chercheur principal: Hart, Elisa J. (8)
Nᵒ de permis: 12751
Organisation: Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Government of the Northwest Territories
Année(s) de permis: 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991
Délivré: janv. 01, 1994
Équipe de projet: N. Felix

Objectif(s): To determine the location and nature of heritage sites which may be important to the Inuvialuit, so that heritage managers can better assess the impacts of development on those resources; and to document aspects of traditional Inuvialuit life that will help with the interpretation of archaeological sites related to the late precontact periods of Inuvialuit life.

Description du projet: In this ongoing project to determine the location and nature of heritage sites, the researcher has interviewed 46 elders and 304 sites have been identified. In 1994, the researcher will verify the information provided with the elders. Verification of information will include: the spelling of traditional place names and traditional words, information on traditionally used places, identifying people in archival photos, and an oral history on reindeer herding.