Crime, Law and Justice Among Inuit in the Baffin Region, Northwest Territories, Canada.

Régions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

étiquettes: social sciences, justice, law, law enforcement, crime prevention

chercheur principal: Griffiths, Curt (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 10214
Organisation: School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University
Année(s) de permis: 1993 1991 1990
Délivré: janv. 01, 1990
Équipe de projet: W.G. Glackman, M.A. Jackson, S.N. Verdun-Jones, J.C. Yerbury and A.L. Patenaude

Objectif(s): To provide information that will be of value to both criminal justice system personnel and Inuit peoples in the development of policies and programs related to justice delivery at the community level in the Baffin Region.

Description du projet: This project is designed to examine the patterns of crime and the delivery of justice services to Inuit communities in the Baffin Region, N.W.T. There has been identified a need to develop alternative, community-based justice programs and services that may serve to reduce the dependency of communities and which may be more effective in addressing the needs of Inuit communities, victims, and offenders.