1 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Schryer, Rick" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés): Vous ne trouvez pas les résultats souhaités? Essayez la recherche avancée..
chercheur principal:Schryer, Rick P. Année(s) de permis:20212020201920182017201620152014201220112010200920082007200620052004200220012000
The objective of the proposed program is to establish baseline environmental conditions pertaining to air, water, and sediment quality, aquatic resources (fish, fish habitat, plankton), and terrestrial resources. A total of nine different protocols will examine the aquatic environment of Snap lake and another reference lake. Details of the fish, and fish habitat sampling plan may be found in the D...