Principal Investigator:Will, Alice Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research would be to understand public attitudes, beliefs, and values toward wood bison and their management. By addressing key issues and local and Aboriginal attitudes, beliefs and behavioural intention toward wood bison and the diseases that they carry, this applied research will aid in a better understanding of how these community perceptions can contribute to the managem...
Principal Investigator:Gibbons, Hugh Licensed Year(s):
This research project aims to develop "best-practice" implementation and management guidelines for wood bison recovery projects involving Aboriginal communities. Individuals who are directly involved in existing and proposed wood bison recovery projects...
Principal Investigator:Martel, Stephane Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will conduct 15 interviews in three communities around Wood Buffalo National Park as part of a study using a systemic methodlogy that includes reviewing official documents and media coverage as well as on site visits....
Principal Investigator:Reynolds, H.W. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a survey of the area to determine if it would provide suitable habitat for Wood Bison....