19 record(s) found with the tag "wildfire" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Reflections and lessons learned: Experiences of community organizations, staff and service-users in Yellowknife NWT, during the wildfire evacuation of 2023.
Principal Investigator: Lake, Tasha
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5979. This study is interested in learning about how staff and service-users from community-based organization in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories experienced the 2023 wildfires, evacuation and return home. The team will capture these voices through interviews and discussion groups with staff and service-users. This rese...

Assessing the cumulative impacts of repeated wildfires on aquatic ecosystems in the Dehcho and South Slave area, NT
Principal Investigator: Cox, Amelia
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5970. 1) To assess the impact of recent 2023 wildfires on the aquatic ecosystem in small ponds in the Dehcho and South Slave area. 2) To assess whether small ponds impacted by the 2014 wildfire season had recovered to pre-fire conditions. 3) To assess whether there were cumulative impacts of repeated wildfires on small ...

Navigating the Arctic Firescape: Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Variations and Land Use Practices in Northern Canada
Principal Investigator: Sonnentag, Oliver
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5958. The main objective of this project is to understand the perceptions of Indigenous community members, from the ISR and/or the GSA, of how wildfires have modified, and might modify, the landscape and their relationship with it. The Principle Investigator will conduct a dozen semi-structured interviews with community...

Understanding the Wildfires: Redefining housing and communications resilience in Yellowknife, Canada
Principal Investigator: Roberts, David J
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5952. During the summer of 2023, wildfires in the Northwest Territories forced the evacuation of over 20,000 people from Yellowknife. Due to climate change, wildfire risk continues to increase and Canadian cities such as Yellowknife must grapple with how to prepare, respond to, and recover from disasters while also priorit...

How are changes on the land affecting water resources around Fort Good Hope and Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta?
Principal Investigator: Comte, Jerome
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5930. This project proposes to evaluate responses of aquatic ecosystems to permafrost thaw, lake drying, and wildfire, as well as their cumulative impacts. Lake chemistry and biological diversity (microbes and invertebrates) in water (current environmental change) and in sediments (historical change) will be characterized,...

Wildfires and contaminated landscapes: The impact of wildfire on the mobility, transport and fate of metal(loids) in a subarctic shield landscape
Principal Investigator: Devoie, Élise
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5898. The main goal of this project is to explore how wildfire will affect the stability and fate of metals and metalloids (i.e. arsenic, mercury, antimony) in mining contaminated and pristine landscapes. Metal(loid) concentrations in air, soil, and water in and around Boundary Creek (30 km west of Yellowknife) will be co...

Impact of wildfire and forest management on permafrost and post-fire regeneration
Principal Investigator: Baltzer, Jennifer L
Licensed Year(s): 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5543. This projects two main objectives are to monitor the recovery of NWT forests following wildfire to better understand post-fire changes on forest composition and ground vegetation and to develop baseline information about proposed forest management areas to support assessment of harvesting impacts on these areas. T...

Where on Earth is fire-derived carbon stored?
Principal Investigator: Abiven, Samuel
Licensed Year(s): 2021
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4956. The objective of this project are to measure the age and stock of organic carbon derived from wildfires (fire-derived carbon) in the Mackenzie River region and examine long- and short-term processes controlling the size and distribution of fire-derived carbon stocks in soils. The research team will measure fire-der...

Northern Water Futures Baseline Environmental Monitoring
Principal Investigator: Baltzer, Jennifer L
Licensed Year(s): 2021 2019 2018
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4983. The overall objective is to understand existing and potential impacts of climate change and resource development in the Sahtú region on four key aspects: 1) the landscape, 2) vegetation, 3) water resources, and 4) aquatic ecosystems. Specifically, the team seek to understand: a) terrain instability due to permafrost t...

Using the past to inform the future: A paleoecological perspective of the impacts of drought and fire on lakes, permafrost and forests
Principal Investigator: Pisaric, Michael FJ
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2018 2017 2016
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4564. The objectives of this research are to examine the frequency and severity of past wildfire and drought (drought-like) conditions in the southern Northwest Territories. Specifically, the research team will examine the following questions: 1) how frequent and severe have fires been in the; 2) are fires becoming more fre...