Principal Investigator:Richard, Pierre Licensed Year(s):
Beluga whales will be herded into shallow waters with boats and kept there for a short period of time. Whale size and sex will be determined and a small sample of skin will be taken for DNA analysis. Satellite tags will be attached to the dorsal ridge area of ten whales. These tags will allow the researchers to locate the whales' movements and diving patterns over the next several months....
Principal Investigator:Finley, Kerry J. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
Since 1983, Word Wildlife Fund has supported research on the bowhead of Isabella Bay. This research, representing the first ever conducted on this species, has identified Isabella Bay to be one of the most important habitats for bowhead in the eastern arctic. The whales use the area to feed, socialize and shelter them from killer whales. The researcher will continue his study of bowhead behavi...
Principal Investigator:Mate, Bruce R. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The Researchers will once again attempt to tag 12 bowhead whales. They will study how the whales move about during the feeding season and where and when they migrate west out of the Beaufort Sea. They will determine whether the migratory routes or timing vary between different kinds of animals and will determine the dive habits of the tagged animals....
Principal Investigator:Davis, Rolph A. Licensed Year(s):
To document the number, distribution and movements of bowhead whales within the study area (please see attached map). Aerial surveys with Twin Otter and Islander aircraft will be used....