Principal Investigator:Olefeldt, David Licensed Year(s):
20222021 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5448.
This project proposes to monitor wetlands, streams, rivers, and lakes in the Dehcho region, with a focus on understanding current and future trends in aquatic mercury and methylmercury. The region has vast stores of mercury accumulated in organic wetland soils, and there is a risk that disturbances such as permafrost ...
Principal Investigator:Chasmer, Laura E Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4527.
The objectives are to:
1) Compare the distribution of tree and shrub biomass within accessible areas in the Taiga Shield and Taiga Plains landscapes using lidar remote sensing, and by developing tree and shrub vegetation biomass models from field data;
2) Characterize and compare non fire-disturbed patterns of veget...
Principal Investigator:Quinton, William L. Licensed Year(s):201620152014201320122011201020092008
20062005200420032001 Summary:
The objective of research is to develop computer models to estimate the volume and timing of runoff from wetlands in this region. Models will be developed from the properties of soils, and physical attributes of the peat plateau cover. This will reduce the uncertainties regarding climate warming on the future availability of northern water resources.
Fieldwork will commence in late winter with ...
Principal Investigator:Woo, Ming-ko Licensed Year(s):1994
The study attempts to find out how permafrost affects the groundwater, streamflow and levels of water in wetlands. Measurements such as soil moisture, rainfall, ground and air temperatures, and water level will be taken. This research may help to determine the effect of climatic warming on permafrost and water bodies in the arctic....