Principal Investigator:Chubb, Derek Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
This project is to meet the requirements of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Sable and Two Rock Lakes will be lost through the course of mining activities and the scientific collection of data related to the fish population prior to their removal...
Principal Investigator:Armstrong, Allison Licensed Year(s):
The capture and processing of fishes, including biological data collection, sample analysis, and recording of field data are the responsibility of BHP based on DFO approved methods described herein. The Project Biologist will be at site during crew training, to participate in the collection of data and to ensure the quality of data. The Project Biologist will also be responsible for collating an...
Principal Investigator:Lawson, Nick Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the research team are to collect baseline environmental information on the DeBeers Canada Exploration Ltd. project at Kennady Lake, to assist with the current environmental management of the property and prepare for an assessment of the environmental effects of potential future development of the site. Three field visits to Kennady Lake will be completed during the summer of 200...
Principal Investigator:Welch, Harold Licensed Year(s):
19921991199019881987 Summary:
The researcher and his team will continue their marine research at Resolute. They will continue their work on the trophic dynamics of the arctic marine food chain as it pertains to marine mammal and seabird production. The main goal is to obtain data on seasonal cycles of energy flow. The team will also be examining organochlorine and heavy metal contaminants in the marine system....
Principal Investigator:Graham, Mark S Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will use several species of planktonic and benthic invertebrates from Lancaster Sound region to evaluate the metabolic cost of making a living in the Arctic. Oxygen consumption techniques will be used as a metabolic indicy. Trophic status of specimens will be evaluated later by stable isotope analysis....