Principal Investigator:Kruse, Stefan Licensed Year(s):
20242023 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6086.
Our aim is to monitor vegetation changes in current climate warming for simulating past and future dynamics with an individual-based spatially explicit model (LAVESI).
Therefore, our intentions are:
1. assessing stand inventories at diverse bioclimatic and environmental settings by a space-for-time approach
2. gat...
Principal Investigator:Mamet, Steven D Licensed Year(s):
2022202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5659.
The objectives of this research project are to determine: 1) the status of permafrost landforms; 2) the circumstances surrounding long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No. 1 project, including oil spills and gravel pits; 3) the status of treeline.
Sampling and testing will consist of: 1) permafrost: th...
Principal Investigator:Mamet, Steve D Licensed Year(s):
2017201620152014201220102009200820072006200520042003 Summary:
The objectives of this project are to determine: 1) the status of permafrost landforms; 2) long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No. 1 project, including oil spills and gravel pits; and, 3) Status of treeline.
Since 1990, automated microclimate stations powered by solar cells have been operated in the study area. One station is located at each of five permafrost landforms called pal...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The objective is to determine the growth and recruitment responses of trees and shrubs to changing climate conditions near tree line and improve the understanding of the drivers of shrub patch expansion on the tundra.
Ten shrub patches were selected for measurement and paired permanent monitoring plots were established at each patch; one plot was centred on the patch of interest, the other on t...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
2011201020092008200720062005 Summary:
“Environmental Studies across Treeline (ESAT) in the Mackenzie Delta region” is a northern based collaborative program with an objective to enhance the understanding of environmental conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region through scientific studies and monitoring. Specific studies include: 1) monitoring permafrost conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region; 2) examining freeze-back of the active l...
Principal Investigator:Green, Scott Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
The project will examine past tree growth patterns at the northern treeline in Western Canada as a baseline to predict future growth responses to climate change. Additionally, the researchers will examine tree regeneration and plant associations at the northern treeline.
Annual tree rings represent a growth response to local climate. Wide growth rings represent good growing conditions, and nar...
Principal Investigator:Henry, Greg H R Licensed Year(s):2009
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #868.
The objectives of this research are to determine what changes have occurred in spruce trees near the treeline in response to the warming climate of the Mackenzie Delta region over the past 20-50 years. The researchers will visit sites measured in the early 1990s and repeat the same measurements, which will allow them to ...
Principal Investigator:Johnston-Schuetz, Cheryl Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project is to examine the environmental thresholds to the successful establishment of a boreal (high latitude) conifer forest by measuring photosynthetic rates in conifer seedlings. Climate change has the potential to shift southern commercial tree species and treelines northward with implications for existing ecosystems and future economic development.
The project’s goal ...
Principal Investigator:Henry, Greg H. R. Licensed Year(s):
199419931991 Summary:
The researchers will measure various parts of the trees and take seed samples found on tree islands. They will take small cores from the base of the largest stems to determine age and growth rates. The tree rings can show how well the tress were growing in the past, and this can be related to changes in the climate....
Principal Investigator:Broll, Gabriele Licensed Year(s):
As part of his trip to Inuvik with the International Tour of Permafrost Affected Soils, the researcher will record information about the ecology (including local climate conditions, soil conditions and plant communities) of the timberline at selected sites visited during the Tour. These sites are located along the Dempster Highway near Inuvik....