Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):199319921991
In consultation and co-operation with the community of Arctic Bay, the Researcher and team will record sounds made by beluga whales. This study is part of a program that was begun in 1986 to determine whether underwater shipping noise interferes with beluga communication....
Principal Investigator:Lingnau, Brian Licensed Year(s):
To make qualitative and quantitative observations of the performance of the Dempster Highway and to suggest design improvements. Observations include cut/fill slope sloughing, permafrost, degradation from highway fills. Cuts, bridges and culverts, borrow pit degradation, road trafficability, road heave and subsidence and drainage disruption....
Principal Investigator:Richardson, W. John Licensed Year(s):
Four Basic Objectives: a) To document the normal behaviour patterns of the bowhead whale; b) Determine type and quantity of responses if any, of bowheads to boats and aircraft passing at various distances; c) Determine the type and quantity of responses if any, of bowheads to underwater playbacks of recorded industrial noises; d) Dete...