Principal Investigator:Wilson, Mark V.H. Licensed Year(s):
199819961990 Summary:
The 2 objectives of this research project are:
1) to recover some of the oldest-known body fossils of sharks and their relatives as well as other associated fossils. The anatomy of the fossil species will be described in detail and published in international journals. These fossils will allow identification of fragments of related species found at other sites worldwide, and will allow the researc...
Principal Investigator:Lenz, Alfred C. Licensed Year(s):1994
19921991199019891988 Summary:
As part of a long-term study, the researcher will continue to collect fossil specimens of graptolites in rocks collected from northern Cornwallis Island and central Ellesmere Island. The researcher is investigating why some species became extinct over 415 million years ago while other species went through rapid changes....
Principal Investigator:Chatterton, Brian Licensed Year(s):19941992
The research will involve measuring rock sections and rocks for processing in the laboratory to extract trilobite fossils. The specimens will then be photographed, described and identified. Any new species will be named and their types deposited in the University of Alberta type repository. The distribution of these species will be mapped in time and space to better understand their evolution and ...