27 record(s) found with the tag "soil" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Nicholas Lake Project/George Lake Project
Principal Investigator: Ott, Bruce
Licensed Year(s): 1990 1989
Summary: The Researcher and his team will be collecting baseline environmental data on natural conditions at Nicholas and George Lakes. This includes collecting water, soils and vegetation information....

Geomorphological Research on Valley Formation and Hydrology in Arctic and Subarctic Environments
Principal Investigator: Schunke, Ekkehard
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1994 1992 1990
Summary: Dr. Schunke and his assistant will collect measurements and observations of surface forms and surface processes, soils, permafrost and hydrology...

Reclamation of simulated transport corridors in Subarctic forests.
Principal Investigator: Kershaw, G. Peter
Licensed Year(s): 1989 1988 1987
Summary: To continue the study initiated in 1984 by conducting gemorphological, microclimatological, pedological, hydrological, botanical and small mammal studies on the site....

Licence #4112
Principal Investigator: Schunke, Ekkehard
Licensed Year(s): 1984
Summary: Collecting observations and measurements of surface forms and surface processess, soils, permafrost, and hydrology....

Licence #2594
Principal Investigator: Moore, T.R.
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To undertake a study of the factors and processes which affect soil formation in arctic, subarctic and boreal areas. Samples of soils, vegetation and water will be collected, cataloqued and retained for future laboratory analysis....

Licence #2564
Principal Investigator: Sims, Richard A. Sims
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To conduct a low level (2000 ft. above groud level) a high level (30,000 ft. A.G.L.) aerial surveys of the reindeer rangeland. Ground truthing will also take place along with collection of plants, soil and water made to complete the study....

Licence #2513
Principal Investigator: Gill, Don
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: To collect samples of soil and vegetation to assess the ecological importance of the spring flood and downstream importance of hydroelectric developments....