Principal Investigator:Menounos, Brian p Licensed Year(s):
The various objectives of the study are: to refine the previously compiled landslide inventory map with field checking, to identify causal mechanisms to slope instability (such as bedrock or surficial material type, aspect, elevation, glacial history, and permafrost distribution), to identify frequency of landslide types, to examine landscape patterns in the Nahanni karst area to establish relatio...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Stephen A Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the present study is to assess the impact of recent warming, including the warm summer of 1998, on active layer thicknesses and slope stability in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. and Yukon North Slope. The main mode of transportation will be by helicopter (206L) and by boat to transport people. The helicopter will be based out of Inuvik with a fuel cache at Tuktoyaktuk. The helicop...
Principal Investigator:Hartshorn, James Licensed Year(s):
Debris flows are landslides composed of rock, soil and water that start on steep slopes as a result of rapid snowmelt and/or intense rainfall. They are significant processes in both periglacial and non-periglacial regions, both visually dominant and geomorphically effective through downslope transport of material. The aim of this study is to assess the cause & effect of such activity in order to g...
Principal Investigator:Dyke, Larry Licensed Year(s):
In this ongoing study, the frequency and characteristics of landslides occurring in the Mackenzie Valley area are examined. I am trying to determine the roles that forest fires, climate changes and water flow in rivers play in the location and number of landslides. The field work will involve taking measurements on past landslides that include measuring permafrost features and taking core samples...
Principal Investigator:Landhaeusser, Simon M. Licensed Year(s):
19911990 Summary:
To determine the maximum size of treeline tree species in a burned and unburned valley in the Caribou Hills, the mass of standing trees on different slopes and aspects will be estimated and related to the energy input. In 1992 the plots prepared in 1990 and planted and seeded in 1991, will be revisited and measurement of growth for the second growing season will be taken....
Principal Investigator:Dabbs, Donald Licensed Year(s):
(1) Seeding of native grasses - Tununuk Point. (2) Effect on vegetation of methyL alcohol spills - Inuvik area. (3) Restoration of tundra vegetation after ditching - Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. (4) Biodegradation of methyl alcohol - Inuvik area. (5) Use of biodegradable fibre mats for slope stabilization - Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. (6) Seeding of large disturbed areas at rig sites. (7) Monitoring of...
Principal Investigator:Davison, D.M. Licensed Year(s):
(1) To gather field data in order to assess drainage and erosion control and to evaluate the stability of slopes along the proposed Foothills Pipeline and at key river crossings; (2) To gather subsurface soil and ice information to analyze typical slope conditions for pipe support designs for Foothills Pipeline Limited....