Principal Investigator:Caine, Ken J Licensed Year(s):
This project builds upon doctoral research with the Déline Land Corporation and Déline Renewable Resource Council (DRRC) on the Great Bear Lake Watershed Management Plan (GBLMP) and protection of the Saoyú/?ehdacho Aboriginal cultural landscape. More broadly, this research is also a continuation of a collaborative, community-based management and research. Through a process of preliminary field-wor...
Principal Investigator:Irlbacher-Fox, Stephanie Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
The research will be conducted by the principal investigator and a researcher/translator. Research will take place between 1 August and 31 December, 2001, and will be conducted in Ft. Simpson and other Deh Cho communities, as decided by Deh Cho advisors and the research team. Information will be collected by interviewing Elders and others, individually or in groups, and through the use of works...
Principal Investigator:Kulchyski, Peter Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
In this last year, of a 3-year project, the researcher will visit Pangnirtung (in May), Ft. Simpson (in June) and Ft. Good Hope (in July) to conduct interviews with residents about community values and perspectives on self-government. Information will be collected on the structure, nature and historical development of meetings and territorial assemblies in order to evaluate their role in current ...
Principal Investigator:Boyko, S. Vladimir I. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will define the tendencies in the process of decentralization of traditional power structures and appearance of the new forms in the NWT to compare with similar trends in the North of Russia. They will investigate the driving forces of these changes, determine if the process is evolutionary and evaluate the role of cultural attitudes and formation of specific political...