Principal Investigator:Forbes, Donald L Licensed Year(s):200620052004
20022001 Summary:
The western Canadian Arctic coast is one of the most rapidly changing coastlines in the world and among the most vulnerable to climate change. The causes of this vulnerability have been studied over the past decade. This project involves monitoring coast...
Principal Investigator:England, John H Licensed Year(s):20122010200920082007200620052004
2002 Summary:
This research is concerned with the nature and style of past glaciations as well as the history of sea level and climatic changes. The broad objective is to obtain a long term paleoclimatic record (before the arrival of the Pre-Dorset people) from these...
Principal Investigator:Dyke, Arthur S. Licensed Year(s):20032002
2000 Summary:
Each two person team will work out of 4 field camps, each occupied for 10 days. The camps will be put in the field by Twin Otter Aircraft. From each camp, the team will travel by 4-wheel ATV, using a different route each day. At each site, samples of 20-500 grams will be collected for radiocarbon dating. The elevation will be measured at each sample collection point....
Principal Investigator:England, John H Licensed Year(s):1993
Dr. England is continuing a fifteen year study on past glaciations, sea level fluctuations and paleoenvironmental change in the Canadian High Arctic. His work will involve surveying, mapping and collecting samples for radiocarbon dating....
Principal Investigator:Lemmen, S. Donald Licensed Year(s):
To define the extent of ice coverage on Marvin Peninsula during the last glaciation, and the nature and extent of glacial features which predate the last glaciation. To recover sediment samples from Disraeli Fiord in order to define contemporary glaciomarine litho and biofacies. To study postglacial emergence to clarify the nature of relative sea-level changes in the region....
Principal Investigator:Andrews, John T. Licensed Year(s):1988
To obtain a series of lake cores from outer Iqaluit, Baffin Island, NWT, from ca. 100 m. above sea level down to sea level; examine the cores for changes in the diatom floras which respond to shifts in the pH of the water and salinity, as well as samples for radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis....