Principal Investigator:Osawa, Akira Licensed Year(s):20192018201620152013
201120102009200820072006 Summary:
Main objective of the field work is to collect data in jack pine and black spruce forests on annual movement of organic matter and carbon. Additional objective is to conduct a regional study of stand development and its relationship to environmental factors in a several-square-kilometer study area of mostly black spruce.
Five methods will be used. 1) Soil and air temperature will be measured...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):2004200320022001
1999 Summary:
This project investigates the the distribution and amount of near-surface ice in sediments of the Mackenzie delta area near Inuvik. Sites near Inuvik will be accessed via road and sampled using a hand held power auger. Soil cores will be removed and taken to the Inuvik Research Center for subsequent examination. The thickness of permafrost will be measured by near-surface water jet drilling which ...
Principal Investigator:Piercey, Melissa Licensed Year(s):
Roots of plants inhabiting cold-stressed environments are often colonized by vegetatively reproducing fungi. The researcher will examine the genetic variation within and among populations of Phialocephala fortinii P. along a latitudinal gradient encompassing the boreal, subarctic and arctic zones in Northern Canada. The researcher will travel from Yellowknife to 3 study sites surrounding Great ...
Principal Investigator:Nosko, Peter Licensed Year(s):
To undertake a study of the nitrogen decomposition ability of a large quantity of bacteria located around the roots of High Arctic plants. This phenomenon may explain plant growth in polar desert regions....