Principal Investigator:Fahselt, Diane Licensed Year(s):19921991
The researcher will study the basic biology of lichens growing in northern environments....
Principal Investigator:Bliss, Lawrence Licensed Year(s):1993199219911989
Dr. Bliss and his research team are returning to continue their investigation of how soil develops from bare rock along the ocean edge. Seaweed washes up on shore and rots. Small plants grow on the rotting seaweed and help to form soil. As the soil gets thicker, larger plants such as those eaten by muskox and geese begin to grow. This is how the rich coastal lowlands have been formed which are...
Principal Investigator:Cummins, W. Raymond Licensed Year(s):
To continue to collecting trips to sample respiration rates, growth rates in arctic plants and to collect plants and seeds....
Principal Investigator:Hudson, Jr., W.D. Licensed Year(s):
To collect and sample living specimens of reproducing Saxifraga stellaris var. stellaris and the asexually reporoducing S. stellaris var. comosa. Material for anatomical and morphological study will also be collected and preserved. Information provided by field study and subsequent laboratory study will help to further elucidate the origin of the peculiar form of asexual reproduction exhibited b...
Principal Investigator:Norment, Christopher Licensed Year(s):
To study tundra plant life cycles in relation to climate changes and to collect plant specimens to document the study. To log age/sex ratios of caribou herds on behalf of the GNWT Fish and Wildlife Service....