Principal Investigator:Fortier, Louis Licensed Year(s):2004
2002 Summary:
The Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES), a major international effort under Canadian leadership, aims to understand the biogeochemical and ecological consequences of sea ice variability on the Mackenzie Shelf (Beaufort Sea) and provide the infor...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
1998 Summary:
This study is based on earlier research conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans which found that fish in many lakes in the Mackenzie River Basin had high mercury concentrations. This study examines the environment in which the fish live in o...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
Research program on the fish, plankton and benthic communities. Potential effects of the drilling program on benthos include effects of chemical contaminants from drilling fluid wastes on the benthic community and hence the food web, and loss/change in b...
Principal Investigator:Reed, Shawna Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will determine fish presence/absence and/or densities (number of fish per unit stream length) by electrofishing representative habitat (eg. pool, riffle, run) and the setting of baited minnow traps. When these two methods are not practical (eg. depth too great or flow too fast), gillnets and/or beach seines will be used. Fish caught will be identified, measured, weighed, sexed and t...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, W.F. Licensed Year(s):
There is increasing evidence that levels of solar UV-B radiation have begun to rise in the high Arctic. Little is known about microbial life-forms in the ecosystems of Arctic lakes and rivers and their UV-B resistance. A sampling hole will be drilled in the lake ice. These samples of zooplankton will be studied by a microscope. Samples of water and periphytic communites will also be taken. Underw...
Principal Investigator:Pelletier, Clem Licensed Year(s):
In project area streams, fish presence/absence and/or densities will be obtained by electrofishing representative habitat. Benthic invertebrates ans periphyton (stream algae) will be sampled at stream sites to determine seasonal changes in composition, distribution and abundance. Lake fisheries population studies will involve fish trapping. Lake limnology, plankton and benthic invertebrates wil...
Principal Investigator:Cota, Glenn Licensed Year(s):
199319921991 Summary:
Light leaving the ocean's surface can be detected remotely by satellite. With the proper conversion factors satellites can tell us the amount & growth of plant material in the oceans. Microscopic plants comprise the base of the marine food chain, serving as food for all animals. Because of their dark coloration plants absorb light & produce heat. We are studying what colors & how much light is abs...
Principal Investigator:Couture, Richard Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. will continue their study on the types of fish and other aquatic organisms found in the Thonokeid Lake area. Data on species type as well as their age, abundance and habitat will be collected. In addition, muscle and liver tissue of fish will be collected in order to assess for the presence of heavy metal contaminants. This study will be summarized in an envir...
Principal Investigator:Fortier, Louis Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will be examining small marine organisms (algae, zooplankton and phytoplankton) to determine their influence on global warming. Carbon is necessary for the production of carbon dioxide (CO2), and increase levels of CO2 in the atmosphere can contribute to an increase in the earth's overall temperature. The study will examine how these small marine creatures can reduce carbon level...
Principal Investigator:Couture, Richard Licensed Year(s):
The researchers of Rescan have been contracted by B.H.P. Minerals Canada Ltd. to conduct an assessment of the types of fish and other aquatic organisms that are found in the Lac de Gras area. Tissue samples will be collected in order to assess heavy metal contaminants in fish. An environmental report will be submitted to the Territorial Government on the results of this study....