1804 record(s) found with the tag "physical sciences" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #1789
Principal Investigator: Holecek, G.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Hydrological Studies....

Licence #1781
Principal Investigator: Mozer, Forrest S.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Scientific Balloon program....

Licence #1780
Principal Investigator: Kato, Yoshio
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Observations of geomagnetic pulsation....

Licence #1776
Principal Investigator: Nicol, Keith
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Study of the effects of artificial heat on the local climate in the immediate vicinity of Inuvik....

Licence #1770
Principal Investigator: Feyling-Hanssen, Rolf W.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Geological studes, vicinity of Broughton Island....

Licence #1765
Principal Investigator: Brink, Norman W. Ten
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Mapping of glacial deposits, raised marine sediments, and weathering zones, and collection of fossils, to sutdy glacial and weathering chronology....

Licence #1755
Principal Investigator: Bell, Richard T.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Geology of the Belcher Islands....

Licence #1754
Principal Investigator: Apon, J. F.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Collection of limestone samples for scientific study, southern Mackenzie....

Licence #1742
Principal Investigator: Sherstone, David A.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Studies on river ice, sea ice,a nd glaciers....

Licence #1723
Principal Investigator: Dyke, A.
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Study of Raised marine sediments and associated glacial deposits....