1804 record(s) found with the tag "physical sciences" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #1945
Principal Investigator: Cochran, George Van B.
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To provide glacial photographs for Mr. C. S. Ommanney, Perennial Ice and Snow Section, Inland Waters, Environment Canada....

Licence #1943
Principal Investigator: Nason, Jeremy
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: 1) Conventional survey of glacier, 2) To take ablation measurements, 3) To take water discharge measurements, 4) To measure suspended materials and bed load movements 5) To make meteorological observations....

Licence #1937
Principal Investigator: Locke III, William W.
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To study the glacial chronology and research moraine deposits in the vicinity of Cape Dyer. Deposts and land forms will be mapped and samples collected for laboratory and dating purposes....

Licence #1936
Principal Investigator: Nelson, Alan
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To study glacial stratigraphy of the Kivituba'k foreland. Wave cut cliffs will be described in terms of their stratigraphy and samples collected for dating and classification of the sediments....

Licence #1935
Principal Investigator: Davis, P. Thompson
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To map and collect samples from glacial moraines and to core lakes for pollen analysis in order to develop a glacial chronology and to collect samples for palynology....

Licence #1934
Principal Investigator: Miller, Gifford H.
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To study raised marine and glacial depostis along the shores of Cumberland Sound. Concentration will be on colleciton of marine fossils for dating the history of glaciation....

Licence #1931
Principal Investigator: Goth, David
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: 1) To collect data on seasonal snow depths, densities and temperatures, 2) To collect snow samples for pollen measurement, 3) To make observations on the presence of erratics and weathering on exposed rocks, 4) To compile a daily records of precipitation, temperature, cloud ...

Licence #1914
Principal Investigator: Baadsgaard, H.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: To collect geological specimens and carry out field observations....

Licence #1905
Principal Investigator: Hofmann, Hans J.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Study of sedimentary rocks....

Licence #1904
Principal Investigator: Nagel, G.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Geomorphological research....