2 record(s) found with the tag "phylogenetics" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Phylogenetics of Omphalina (Basidiomycotina, Agaricales) and the evolution of lichenization
Principal Investigator: Lutzoni, Francois
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: I will be collecting lichens in the vicinity of Iqaluit in order to better understand the variety of species that grow in the high arctic. Some species of fungi grow with algae: these partnerships are recognized as lichens. In an attempt to study this partnership, I will separate the fungi part from the algae and grow each separately in a laboratory. I will also be visiting Greenland and Icelan...

Isozyme Variability of Lichens in Relation to Latitude
Principal Investigator: Fahselt, D.
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The Researcher will compare the levels of enzyme variation from populations of umbilicate species from the Arctic as well as from the southern limit of their ranges in southeastern USA. The objective will be to ascertain whether there is any correlation between the level of variability in enzyme patterns and latitude....