Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...
Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...
Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...
Principal Investigator:DELORMIER, Treena Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
To assess the risk for mercury exposure posed by fish consumption in the community of Tulita in the past summer and current winter seasons;
To examine the relationship between the consumption of sweetened beverages (low nutrient market food) and fish consumption; and
To explore the social and cultural importance of fish (traditional food) to the Dene...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
This study is looking at the contaminant levels in lake trout and burbot in Great Slave Lake and in arctic char after their return from feeding in the ocean. Twenty burbot and twenty lake trout will be collected from the West Basin of Great Slave Lake by...
Principal Investigator:Kuhnlein, Harriet V Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are therefore: 1) derive quantitative estimates of traditional and market food among Inuit; 2) complete databases of nutrient and contaminant contents of traditional food; define benefits of traditional food in terms of nutritional, socioeconomic and cultural significance; define the levels of exposure to contaminants (heavy metals and organochlorines). In each commun...
Principal Investigator:Christensen, Jill Licensed Year(s):
19941993 Summary:
The researchers will continue to collect information on the consumption patterns in traditional and store-bought foods as well as lifestyle patterns (e.g., fishing and hunting activities, health beliefs, traditional food use) of residents of N'Dilo and Dettah. This information will be combined with results from the BAck Bay Fish Study (contaminants in fish) in order that human health implications ...
Principal Investigator:Chan, L.H.M. Licensed Year(s):
The project is to see how different organic contaminants change with different preparation methods of the important fatty foods used by the Inuit. The research will focus on food prepared for eating. Samples (aprox. 120) will be collected and prepared by a research assistant from the community. The study aims to find the best ways to prepare these food items to reduce exposure to these contamin...
Principal Investigator:Weis, Michael Licensed Year(s):
Through interviews and diet diaries, the patterns of consumption of "country foods" and commercially prepared foods will be assessed in seasons throughout the year. This continuing study will assess the nutritional quality of the diet and will quantify the dietary intake of contaminants....
Principal Investigator:Schaefer, O. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a baseline study of the population with particular reference to heavy metal levels plus nutrition, hearing acuity and cardio-respiratory status....