Principal Investigator:Krejci, Paul R Licensed Year(s):
This research will examine the influence of cultural interaction on certain musical forms and styles as well as how those musical forms change and persist over time. This research will also look at the response of local communities to external forces on their music and how music transforms this culture. Interviews will be conducted using both specific questions and open-ended discussion, it may ...
Principal Investigator:Rodriguez, Marisol Licensed Year(s):1994
The researcher will be interviewing Inuvialuit participants in the Inuvik music festival in order to examine how music reflects changes in culture. This research is part of a larger effort which examines musical culture of Inuit in Canada....
Principal Investigator:Leveille, Richard Licensed Year(s):
1988 Summary:
The Researcher will complete the second phase of the study which began in 1988 on musical culture of the Coppermine Inuit. He will collect cultural musical information by making videos and tape recordings of music and musicians....