Principal Investigator:Collard, Tod Licensed Year(s):
The proposed field research program on lands located within the Sahtu Settlement Area will include the following general areas of study: (1) freshwater aquatics (freshwater fish and their habitats, water quality, hydrology); (2) terrestrial wildlife, including waterfowl; (3) vegetation and soils; (4) archaeology; and (5) noise. For all studies, access will be by helicopter, boat or on foot, as ap...
Principal Investigator:Collard, Tod Licensed Year(s):
The proposed field research program within the Gwich'in Settlement Area will include the following general areas of study: (1) freshwater aquatics (freshwater fish and their habitats, water quality, hydrology); (2) terrestrial wildlife, including waterfowl; (3) vegetation and soils; (4) archaeology; and (5) noise. For all studies, access will be by helicopter, boat or on foot, as appropriate. Mo...
Principal Investigator:Bryant, Wayne Licensed Year(s):1996
The researchers will be involved in a mult-disciplined, integrated and focused series of investigation regarding water quality, hydrology and climatology, fisheries, aquatic, wildlife, vegetation, soils and terrain, and heritage resources. Taken with complementary socio-economic, traditional knowledge and environmental management investigations, this data will be used to prepare an environmental ...