Principal Investigator:Low, Mike Licensed Year(s):
201920182017 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4844.
The objectives of this study are to:
1) establish a population estimate of walleye in Sanguez Lake;
2) establish an additional estimate of fish mercury concentrations in walleye and pike. In 2013, mean mercury concentration in walleye was 0.71 mg/kg wet weight, and in pike was 1.09 mg/kg wet weight;
3) reduce the n...
Principal Investigator:Dewar, David J Licensed Year(s):
The Objectives of this research project are to:
1.) gather information in 2012 on the small-bodied and Young of Year fish in Bluefish Lake that may be available for monitoring as well as determine the most suitable methods and locations for their capture in order to finalize the proposed mercury study design, and 2.) complete monitoring between 2013 and 2015 as described in the finalized mercury ...
Principal Investigator:Guthrie, Glen H Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
This study will provide current information about the health of some subsistence predatory fish in ten commonly used lakes by residents of the Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA). This investigation may help to identify alternative sources of fish from lakes not impacted to the degree as seen in Kelly Lake. A future, far more thorough study of mercury abundance and bio-magnification trends may also result...
Principal Investigator:Guthrie, Glen H Licensed Year(s):
This study will provide baseline data for uranium levels and contribute data to an on-going Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) study that is investigating mercury levels in Fort Good Hope burbot (Loshe).
Thirty fish representing three size/age classes will be collected by the Fort Good Hope (FGH) Renewable Resources Council (RRC). The samples will be sent to reputable laboratories that sp...
Principal Investigator:Cote, Jason E Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the field program are to quantify egg deposition by depth on available habitat for fourteen known or suspected representative shallow reefs and for ten representative deep water reefs in Nonacho Lake, also to conduct mercury sampling in Lake Trout from this lake.
At each of the known or suspected lake trout spawning reefs, a total of 10 numbered egg nets will be buried in cobb...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
For several years, studies have been conducted to find out if contaminant levels are changing in lake trout and burbot in Great Slave Lake. The researchers have been seeing some changes with mercury levels increasing and HCH levels declining in these fish. However, there have been other changes in the fish, especially lake trout which appear to contain less fat and to be feeding closer to shore th...
Principal Investigator:Ford, Bruce S Licensed Year(s):
This study involves fish sampling to determine relative abundance and levels of mercury and other metals in fish tissue in Giauque Lake, Thistlethwaite Lake and Control Lake A, as well as benthic invertebrate sampling and water quality sampling in the three lakes to complement the fish sampling. 3 sites in Giauque, 3 in Thistlethwaite and one in Control Lake A will be recorded. Captured fish will ...
Principal Investigator:Hatfield, C.T. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a fresh water fisheries study, primarily in search for spawining areas. Some fish might be tested for parasites and mercury....