Fort Good Hope baseline heavy metal accumulation in burbot (loshe) study.

Regions: Sahtu Settlement Area

Tags: contaminants, mercury, biology, fish, uranium

Principal Investigator: Guthrie, Glen H (9)
Licence Number: 14827
Organization: Sahtu Renewable Resources Board
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Issued: Dec 07, 2010
Project Team: Glen Guthrie (Facilitator, SRRB), Roger Boniface (Participant, FGH RRC), Fort Good Hope community members (Participants, FGH)

Objective(s): This study will provide baseline data for uranium levels and contribute data to an on-going study that is investigating mercury levels in Fort Good Hope Burbot (Loshe).

Project Description: This study will provide baseline data for uranium levels and contribute data to an on-going Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) study that is investigating mercury levels in Fort Good Hope burbot (Loshe). Thirty fish representing three size/age classes will be collected by the Fort Good Hope (FGH) Renewable Resources Council (RRC). The samples will be sent to reputable laboratories that specialize in uranium and mercury in tissues by the Sahtu Renewable Resource Board. This is a FGH RRC driven project involving community members. The results of this study will be released in plain language to the community of FGH as soon as they are known. This information will be released in printed documents sent to the RRC and announced at a community meeting that will take place to discuss the results. Mercury data will be provided to DFO. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from December 7, 2010 to December 31, 2010.