Principal Investigator:Bell, Trevor Licensed Year(s):1993
1988 Summary:
This research is an extension of previous fieldwork completed in 1988 and 1989. Mapping surficial deposits and reconstructing former ice limits and sea level adjustments, investigations of landforms and associated sediments, collection and dating of organic material pertaining to terrestrial and raised marine deposits, and mapping distributions of glacial erratics will be undertaken....
Principal Investigator:Kerr, Daniel E. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
To collect data for PhD thesis; to investigate the nature of the Late Quaternary stratigraphic record of marine and glaciomarine deposits exposed by rivers along the mainland coast of the NWT; to define ice-front positions during ice retreat; to describe the succession of depositional environments during deglaciation; to evaluate the extent of isostatic uplift....
Principal Investigator:MacLean, Brian Licensed Year(s):
Shipborne marine geological and geophysical investigations in the Baffin Island region from CSS HUDSON - single channel and high resolution seismic reflection, magnetic, sidescan, and echosounder profiles, sampling by seabed rock core drill piston coring, IKU and other grabs, camera....
Principal Investigator:Aitken, Alec E. Licensed Year(s):
Collecting fossil clams from raised marine deposits in the vicinity of the villages to aid our understanding of marine ecology at the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age....
Principal Investigator:Osterman, Lisa E. Licensed Year(s):
To measure the elevation of marine deposits, examine the stratigraphy of deltas and glacial deposits and collect samples of marine shells for future lab. analysis and dating....
Principal Investigator:Andrews, J.T. Licensed Year(s):
To study the gology of Merchants Bay, Baffin Island, N.W.T. Samples of marine shells will be taken for dating pruposes, elevations of marine deposits will be measured and depths sounding will be taken to measure underwater topography....
Principal Investigator:Miller, Gifford H. Licensed Year(s):
To study raised marine and glacial deposits - by the collection of marine fossils for dating the history of glaciation....
Principal Investigator:Feyling-Hanssen, R. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out quaternary marine biostratigraphy research. Wave cut cliffs between Broughton and Nairpang Fiord will be surveyed and samples collected for analysis of benthic foraminifera. This work will aid in clarifying the relationships between glacial and marine deposits near Broughton and Clyde River....
Principal Investigator:Miller, Gifford H. Licensed Year(s):
To study raised marine and glacial depostis along the shores of Cumberland Sound. Concentration will be on colleciton of marine fossils for dating the history of glaciation....