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5 record(s) found with the tag "kimberlite" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals Program: Western Arctic Project - Smoking Hills
Principal Investigator: Smith, Rod
Licensed Year(s): 2018
Summary: This research will provide the geological information needed to correlate Cretaceous (<140 Ma) and younger geology of the Smoking Hills with that on Banks Island and elsewhere in the Canadian High Arctic and Mackenzie-Beaufort region. This will provide a greater understanding of the age and evolution of the offshore Canada Basin (Arctic Ocean). Studies of kimberlite indicator minerals will provide...

Diadem Resources Ltd. Franklin Diamond Project 2007/2008 Gradiometer Magnetometer Survey.
Principal Investigator: Carroll, Paul
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: , in accordance to the EISC RECOMMENDATIONS in late October 2007. Fieldwork is being licenced confined to March-April 2008. The purpose of this project is to conduct Global Positioning Satellite (GPS)-based gradiometer magnetometer surveys, by JVX on behalf of Diadem. Within the mineral claims, 28 potential targets have been identified in priority sequence to be surveyed. The number of surveys ...

Geological Mapping, Sheet 76/D - Paul Lake
Principal Investigator: Kjarsgaard, Bruce
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992
Summary: This is a one year project designed to update the present geology of the northern part of Lac De Gras (last mapped in the 1940's). The study will involve three weeks of field work with limited helicopter support. The researchers will collaborate with P. Thompson of Thompson of the GSC (Providence Lake) and BHP-Utah, who are investigating their claims in the area....

U-Pb Geochronology and Isotope Systematics of Kimerlites and their Mantle Zenoliths
Principal Investigator: Heaman, Larry
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The Researcher and team will conduct a geological investigation of kimberlites on the NE side of Somerset Island. They will collect samples of Somerset Island kimberlites to provide information concerning their timing, origin and isotopic evolution. The data will be added to a North American database for a better understanding of the isotopic nature of the Earth's mantle on a global scale....

Licence #2657
Principal Investigator: Mitchell, Roger H.
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: Geological studies, specifically an examination of two special features: Kimberlite diatremes and recent volcanic rocks....