Principal Investigator:Royer, Ronald A. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will investigate range boundaries and species intergrade zones. The researcher will also possibly define ecological limiting factors for selected apecies of common arctic insects, principally in the order of Lepidoptera. This data will fill numerous gaps in understanding of distribution and speciation for the targeted species, the ranges of many of which are assumed but not yet co...
Principal Investigator:Ring, Richard A. Licensed Year(s):
199219901987 Summary:
As part of a long term study, I will continue to examine the biology of arctic and subarctic insects. Information will be collected on insect distributions as well as insect adaptations to living in environments with extremely cold winters and short summers. Studies on insect communities in the north may be good indicators of global climate change since they are short-lived species with limited a...
Principal Investigator:Morgan, Alan Licensed Year(s):
The Researchers will collect sediment samples. Insect fossils will be extracted and analysed. The insect communities recovered will provide an indication of the climatic conditions in the area at the time the sediments were deposited. The age of the sediments will be determined with radiocarbon or other dating methods....
Principal Investigator:Meier, Sharon Licensed Year(s):1991
Ms. Meier and her assistant will study plant-insect relationships and factors which play determining roles in the lives of organisms inhabiting the Arctic environment....