Principal Investigator:DeBruyn, Adrian Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
Hydroporus morio and H. Polaris (two species of small aquatic beetles) coexist as major predators in a series of shallow temporary ponds at Alexandra Fiord. This study will investigate the biology of predaceous insects in freshwater habitats in the high arctic....
Principal Investigator:Schwert, Donald P. Licensed Year(s):1995
The Scientists will collect insects, mostly Coleoptera (beetles). The specimens will be utilized for population genetics analyses of northern insect populations....
Principal Investigator:Morgan, Alan Licensed Year(s):
The Researchers will collect sediment samples. Insect fossils will be extracted and analysed. The insect communities recovered will provide an indication of the climatic conditions in the area at the time the sediments were deposited. The age of the sediments will be determined with radiocarbon or other dating methods....
Principal Investigator:Morgan, Alan Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and team will take samples of organic sediments and process them to remove insect and plant fossils. Identification of these fossils will provide the basis for a paleoenvironmental analysis by comparing the fossil organisms to modern ones....
Principal Investigator:Furniss, Malcolm Licensed Year(s):
to determine if these two spruce beetle species are distinct; to compare biology, host tree relationships, genetics, and anatomical features of these two species (one is Eurasian and one is North American)...
Principal Investigator:Garry, Clarke E. Licensed Year(s):1988
To determine the beetle species that are found in specific biogeographical zones, what species are likely to be found together in specific locations, and what the habitat preferences of the collected species are....
Principal Investigator:Ball, George E. Licensed Year(s):
To undertake a continued study of the carabid beetle of the area as examples of preglacial insects....
Principal Investigator:Morgan, Alan Licensed Year(s):
To make collections of various types of insects, principally beetles (Coleoptera) and caddis flies (Trichoptera). The primary purpose of the exercise is to expand the reference collection of insects at Waterloo. Secondary to the exercise is a determination of the effect of recent glacial periods on these insects....
Principal Investigator:Cumming, J.M. Licensed Year(s):
To collect specimens of the wasp family, Vespoidea (Hymenoptera) for subsequent laboratory analysis and classification. Ground beetles of the family Carabidae will also be collected....
Principal Investigator:Roughley, R.E. Licensed Year(s):
To collect specimens of the water bettle family Dytiscus for subsequent laboratory analysis and classification. Ground beetles of the family Carabidae will also be collected....