3 record(s) found with the tag "human disturbance" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Assessment of potential masking of marine mammal sounds by ship noise
Principal Investigator: Cosens, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990
Summary: In this final year of study, the researcher will be recording whale sounds as well as `normal' underwater sounds (background noise) and underwater sounds that boats make. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the sounds of boats interfere with the communication that occurs between beluga. The field crew will camp at Cape Lambton and make day trips to the recording sites out on the...

Effects of shipping vessel traffic and vessel noise on the behaviour and distribution of Arctic marine mammals.
Principal Investigator: Cosens, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To document the behaviour and distribution of marine mammals in respones to underwater pre-recorded vessel noise and ice-breaking noise; examine the normal behaviour of marine mammals and responses to playback recordings of their own signals. The marine mammals for which these study objectives are primarily aimed at are narwhal, beluga, and bowhead whales....

Licence #2583
Principal Investigator: Hobbs, Larry
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To develop a capability to track and tag large cetaceans (whales). This capability will allow for tracking of these mammals in order to better understand their behaviour and to assess possible impacts of oil and gas developments on them....