Principal Investigator:Melton, Derek Licensed Year(s):
Main objective is to establish baseline wildlife & fisheries habitat conditions prior to start of Ranger Oil's winter exploration drilling program. All sampling will be done over a 2-3 day period in mid-September. Three well sites are planned for drilling. Well site 1 is near Nota Creek & accessed by the Norman Wells-Tulita winter road plus an existing short cutline. Well site 2 is near Bear Rock ...
Principal Investigator:Legat, Allice Licensed Year(s):
Researchers will interview elders throughout the Dogrib region. Interviews will be taped, translated and transcribed. Data is collected using the participatory action research (PAR) method which ensures Dogrib ownership and direction of the project and provides researchers with research skills. Researchers are being trained in GIS/database installation. The project is being conducted under the ...
Principal Investigator:Reed, Shawna Licensed Year(s):
In this study fish presence/absence and/or densities will be obtained by electrofishing representative habitat and the setting of baited minnow traps. When these two methods are not practical gill nets, trap nets, and/or beach seines will be employed. Each fish caught will be identified, measured, sexed and condition will be noted. Ten specimens of each species from each site (up to 10) will be...
Principal Investigator:Staniforth, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
Effective wildlife management requires knowing the location, distribution and number of habitats that are important to wildlife. Within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), there is some information on the habitat requirements of several species but descriptions of these habitats and information about how these habitats are important to wildlife are not documented. This study, supported by th...
Principal Investigator:Morrison, R.I.G. Licensed Year(s):1990
Dr. Morrison and his research team intend to gather information on the breeding and shoreline habitats of birds in the Foxe Basin area. They hope to fill a major gap in the knowledge of avifauna in the Canadian Arctic, specifically, population census, breeding densities, return rates, migration and wintering ranges and remote sensing studies on vegetation and terrain habitats....
Principal Investigator:Legris, Andre Licensed Year(s):
Mr. Legris and his assistant will study the way in which habitat and nest sites are used by different species in a subarctic bird community. This will be done by examining the level of predation on nests of different species and how these same species use...
Principal Investigator:Ring, Richard A. Licensed Year(s):
To observe and study the habitat of Arctic insects and to collect samples to compare their resistance to cold with that of similar species in the south....