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3 record(s) found with the tag "government" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Inuit Regional Autonomy in the Provincial and Territorial North
Principal Investigator: Wilson, Gary N
Licensed Year(s): 2015 2014
Summary: The research examines intergovernmental relations between the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) and other levels of government (territorial, federal) and the administration of various policy areas by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), alone or in conjunction with other regional bodies or other levels of government. This project will compare the self-government process in the ISR to that o...

Government Policies Toward the Inuit of Siberia and the Northwest Territories Since 1900
Principal Investigator: Van Meenen, Mary Ann
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The Researchers will conduct an historical examination of the policies of the Canadian and Soviet governments toward the Inuit, the similarities and differences of their approaches and the impact upon the Inuit....

Licence #2769
Principal Investigator: Carney, R.J.
Licensed Year(s): 1982
Summary: GNWT and other government officials to be interviewed. To review the relationship between Canada's northern development policies and federal and territorial education programs designed for the Inuit in the NWT from 1880 to 1970....