3 record(s) found with the tag "glacial deposits" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Glacial Geomorphological Field Mapping on Akpatok Island, Resolution Island and Button Islands.
Principal Investigator: Gray, James T.
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The research team will land by helicopter from the coastguard vessel at a number of sites along the coasts of Resolution Island, Button Islands and Akpatok Island. Researchers will measure with a compass the directions of glacial scratches made by former ice sheet on bedrock and the altitude of old raised beaches, which have been uplifted after glaciers left. Researchers will identify the geolog...

The origins of drumlins, a long elongated hill formed by glaciers, Snare Lake area
Principal Investigator: Shaw, John
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To study landforms made by glaciers, and in particular what happens beneath very large ice sheets. The shape and internal structure of drumlins and eskers (related landforms) will be sampled and measured in order to assess the theory that these have been formed by catastrophic floods of melt water....

Licence #5003
Principal Investigator: Washburn, A.L.
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To continue the research project in periglacial geomorphology and glacial geology....