Glacial Geomorphological Field Mapping on Akpatok Island, Resolution Island and Button Islands.
Principal Investigator: Gray, James T. (2)
Licence Number: 12733
Organization: Universite de Montreal
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: L. Giugni, E. Thibault, T. Brynczka

Objective(s): To map glacial landforms along the south coat of Resolution Island, on Button Islands and on Akpatok Island; to examine glacial and marine deposits at several localities; and to follow-up previous research on the extent and flow patterns of the Laurentide ice sheet in the Hudson Strait region.

Project Description: The research team will land by helicopter from the coastguard vessel at a number of sites along the coasts of Resolution Island, Button Islands and Akpatok Island. Researchers will measure with a compass the directions of glacial scratches made by former ice sheet on bedrock and the altitude of old raised beaches, which have been uplifted after glaciers left. Researchers will identify the geology of boulders and use old marine shells to date the age of these events.