Principal Investigator:Waddington, J.M. Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
To investigate how the amount of peat consumption during wildfire in bogs or fens (muskeg), is affected by weather, fire behaviour, and properties of the tree canopy.
Researchers will manually measure various aspects of the peat, such as total peat depth and the proportion of unburned peat present in the area. Peat depth measurements will be made by driving a 2.5cm steel rod into the peat with...
Principal Investigator:Lanoville, Rick Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
This project will use experimental prescribed burns to evaluate the effectiveness of forest fuel treatments and sprinkler systems in protecting homes and communities from wildfires. It will also provide on-the-job training for young adults as well as op...
Principal Investigator:Alexander, Martin E. Licensed Year(s):
199919981997 Summary:
With the assistance of NWT Dept. of Renewable Resources fire management personnel, a study site was located approximately 50 km north of Fort Providence. A dense jack pine stand occupies the site. Surrounded by marshland, this site is ideally suited to supporting the high-intensity crown fires required in this study. Ten burning plots were located in this site. Firelines approximately 50 m wide w...
Principal Investigator:Brungs Simard, Hanita Licensed Year(s):
The study area will be sampled on a 2x2 km grid as the vegetation type of the area in question is predominantly jack pine. At each 2 km interval 3 procedures are done: 1) plant identification and % cover of each species in approx. 100 m. sq., 2) tally of the fuels (logs, twigs, branches) that fall along a triangular transect, 3) discs are removed from one large unscarred tree and one scarred tree...
Principal Investigator:Maffey, Murray Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
This ongoing project has several activities associated with the study of fire ecology in the N.W.T.. The researchers are involved with the collection of data at a prescribed burn site located at Little Rat Lake (Hook Lake) near Ft. Resolution. They are also participating in the fire history study in the Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary. Finally, crew leaders from the Ft. Simpson initial attack teams w...
Principal Investigator:Clark, Kim Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will conduct interviews with individuals and agencies. Questions will be designed to solicit individual and community definition and prioritization of resources (values-at-risk) endangered by forest fire....
Principal Investigator:Abele, Francis Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Francis Abele is studying the transfer of government responsibilities from the federal to territorial government. She is studying the transfer of fire fighting and forestry management. Her main questions are: Did the transfer lead to better services f...
Principal Investigator:Pickford, Stewart G. Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Pickford has developed a computer model that predicts how forest fires will spread in relation to the weather conditions. However, this model was developed for use in southern Canada where wind conditions are different. He wants to collect weather information from the central Mackenzie Valley area so that he can evaluate whether his model is useful in the north....
Principal Investigator:Wein, Ross Licensed Year(s):
To gather information on fire behaviour, the effects of fire on plants and animals, and the social implications of fire management. Satellite imagery processing, aerial photography and ground censusing will be used....