Testing the WCM Surface Wind Prediction Model at High Latitudes

Regions: Sahtu Settlement Area

Tags: physical sciences, meteorology, forest fire management, wind monitoring

Principal Investigator: Pickford, Stewart G. (1)
Licence Number: 8103
Organization: Canadian Forestry Service; Department of Renewable Resources (GNWT)
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Issued: Jan 01, 1988
Project Team: Rick Lanoville

Objective(s): to compare predictions of surface winds against observed winds at a latitude greater than 67 degrees; to install and later remove two meteorologic towers and associated telemetry equipment to conduct the study

Project Description: Dr. Pickford has developed a computer model that predicts how forest fires will spread in relation to the weather conditions. However, this model was developed for use in southern Canada where wind conditions are different. He wants to collect weather information from the central Mackenzie Valley area so that he can evaluate whether his model is useful in the north.