Principal Investigator:Rudolph, David Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5240.
Within the Central Mackenzie Valley of the Northwest Territories (NWT), discontinuity and rapid change within the regional permafrost is anticipated to be influencing landscape, habitat and ecosystem characteristics along with presenting challenges for the stability of constructed infrastructure. Mapping the nature an...
Principal Investigator:Quaife, Ron Licensed Year(s):
This research will help address growing concerns over the use of sumps as a disposal option for drilling waste in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and is a first step in evaluating the environmental conditions at historic sump sites. The specific objectives of this research include: 1) conducting an inventory of all known specified drilling sump locations within the ISR (including location, last ...
Principal Investigator:Graf, Linda H Licensed Year(s):
This research will help address growing concerns over the use of sumps as a disposal option for drilling waste in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and is a first step in evaluating the environmental conditions at historic sump sites. The specific objectives of this research include: 1) conducting an inventory of all known specified drilling sump locations within the ISR (including location, last k...
Principal Investigator:Etty, Craig Licensed Year(s):
There are three objectives for the evaluation of historic sumps during this project. The first objective is to field verify the "Protocol for the Assessment of Drilling Mud Sumps” for evaluating historic sump site locations. The second objective is to identify, inventory, and assess the environmental conditions at the historic sump sites, and the third objective is to compile consistent data on ...
Principal Investigator:Spratt, Jessica Licensed Year(s):
The overarching objective of the project is to understand the nature of the Paleoproterozoic western boundary of the Slave craton for both academic and economic reasons. Two people will fly out by float plane from Yellowknife and will join the camp previ...
Principal Investigator:Kiss, Frank Licensed Year(s):200320022001
1999 Summary:
The purpose of this study is to improve the public knowledge and understanding of the geology of this area, as no publicly available magnetic survey coverage exists. This survey is entirely airborne, with no land access. The aircraft will be equipped with a state of the art magnetometer and navigation systems, including Global Positioning System (GPS). The aircraft will be operating from the Inuvi...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Alan Licensed Year(s):
Using passive, electromagnetic instrumentation designed and developed for use on the ocean bottom, we will make measurements of the time-varying electromagnet fields caused by the northern lights at 10 lakes, 3 in Nunavut, in the Slave craton. At each lake an instrument will be deployed from a Turbo Beaver float plane and the instrument will drop to the bottom of the lake and start to make recordi...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Alan Licensed Year(s):1999
At approximately forty (40) locations along the 600-km-long winter road, sensors will be lowered through small holes drilled through the lake ice onto the lake bottom. These sensors will measure time variations of the Earth's natural electric field, and these variations will be recorded by devices on the lake shores. The recordings at each locations will take 1-3 weeks, after which all equipment...
Principal Investigator:Cota, Glen Licensed Year(s):1994
19921991 Summary:
"Brown ice" is caused by microscopic plants called ice algae. These plants comprise the base of the food chain, serving as food for small animals. Because of their dark colouration, ice algae absorb light and produce heat. We are studying what colours and how much light is absorbed by these plants. We are also measuring ozone concentrations over sea ice as well as the transfer of natural gases ...
Principal Investigator:Oguti, Takasi Licensed Year(s):
Record and photograph aurora (northern lights), related natural electromagnetic waves and geomagnetic pulsations. Another research on Doppler shift of HF waves (receiving only) may be added....